Help for the program SoftwareNDT Calculator

  1. Overview of the program interface
  2. Exposure time / selection of exposure conditions
  3. Films / Film Factor
  4. Exposure Diagram


class="panel-heading">Overview of the program interface

Co60, Ir192, Se75 = selection of isotopes.
Exposure Time = Main window for setting the exposure conditions.
Films = settings of the exposure sensitivity of the films.
Exposure chart = View of the exposure curve for the selected isotope.



class="panel-title">Exposure time

Curie or GBq = activity of the selected isotope
Film type = selection of films with the respective film factor.
FFA = Film Focus Distance. Distance from the radiation source to the film.
Wall thickness = radiated thickness of the base material.
Wall thickness weld seam = radiated thickness of the weld seam.
Film density = selection of the film density in the base material or in the weld.
Exposure Time = Calculated exposure time for the selected exposure conditions.



class="panel-title">Films / Film Factor

Film name = Film name of the selected Film.
Film factor = film factor with respect to the film with a film factor of 1.0. The film with a film factor of 1.0 is the film in the exposure diagram.
Calculate film factor:

Film Factor Alt= Current Film Factor of the selected film.
Target Film Redaction (Program) = Calculated Film Redaction in the Program.
Is film blackening (measured) = measured film blackening on the film.
New Film Factor = Calculated new film factor for the currently selected film. Click "Apply" to apply the film factor.
Add from list


Default values for the films can be used here.



class="panel-title">Exposure Digram

The exposure diagram cannot be changed for the isotopes.